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liliana frank

Hello! Nice to meet you, I am Liliana.

Coach, marketer and entrepreneur. My purpose in life is to be the best coach that accompanies you in your development to be your best version and create a better future.

Born and educated in the state of Coahuila, with nothing more than studies and a lot of passion for learning new things, I am pleased to have acquired extensive professional experience in both the corporate and entrepreneurial environment. Through my coaching sessions and training courses, I have helped many to achieve their goals and provided support and training in professional coaching.

Some ask me how did you become a coach?


From the first time I had the opportunity to have people under my responsibility, I began to formally study coaching with the desire to help others in their development and in their work and life path.  

Today, after all these years of experience and after several certification programs, I once again reaffirm my passion and commitment to provide support to anyone who wants more from life and their work, who has passion and who wants to build his best version.


If you are here, I want to thank you infinitely for your trust and I hope to meet you soon.

firma de liliana franco coach profesional
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