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what is Coaching?

I want to talk® Coaching

“Coaching is a professional accompaniment that aims to help people achieve their goals and in the process become a better version of themselves” Liliana Franco – Coach.

coaching definition

Quiero platicar® Coaching, approved by the CONOCER (Consejo Nacional de Normalización y Certificación de Competencias Laborales) and the SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública) defines coaching as a non-directive conversational methodology where a coach provides professional support to clients so that they achieve their goals and objectives.


The ICF (International Coaching Federation) defines coaching like partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.


The EMCC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council)  establishes differences between mentoring and coaching as follows:


"While creating the new Mentoring definition, we recognise that Coaching and Mentoring share many of the same characteristics, lying along a structured conversational continuum. But that there are some very different views held globally" E.g.:

  • One school of thought, more common in the US, believes that coaching takes the form of a non-directive intervention, while mentoring allows for directive advice giving.

  • Others argue that both ought to be non-directive (and are based on coaching skills), but that a difference arises in the level of relevant knowledge and willingness to contextualise and share this expertise.



The Harvard Business Review defines business coaching as an interactive process through which supervisors and collaborators aim to achieve one of the following objectives: (1) solve execution problems, or (2) develop employee skills.

What is coaching?

In general terms, coaching is development and evolution. The essence of coaching is change. Coaching is an accompaniment that aims to release the potential of the person so that they achieve the results they are looking for. Coaching involves responsibility and action and gives you great benefits on a personal and work level.

The coaching it is based on a relationship of mutual trust between two people (client and coach) that seeks to open up new possibilities. 

Hello! I am Liliana Franco, personal coach and I will be accompanying you while you review the information on this page of the siteI Quiero platicar® Coaching, your specialized coaching site in Mexico. 

Basic competencies of the Coach

To execute professional coaching, the ICF (International Coaching Federation) establishes 8 basic competencies for the coach (in the past there were 11 competencies):


  1. Demonstrates ethical practice

  2. Has a coaching mindset

  3. Establish and maintain agreements

  4. Cultivate confidence and security

  5. Maintain full presence

  6. actively listen

  7. evokes awareness

  8. Facilitates customer growth

Who makes up a coaching relationship?

coaching relationship it is made up of the coachee (client: individual or group) and the coach (service provider), and in some cases includes a third figure whom we know as "sponsor"; (individual or representative of a legal person) who is the one who generally covers the cost of coaching processes personal or group. 

A coaching process comprises one or several coaching sessions between the coach and the client, while a coaching session it is an individual meeting of approximately 40 to 60 minutes.

If you want to read about personal coachingthen click on the black button and download your free magazine. 

What is coaching?
coaching styles

qué es coaching

The execution of the coaching can generally be given by adopting one or both styles of coaching that I share below.

executive coaching

When a coach uses this style of coaching, in their interventions with the coachee, they can usually give advice, experience, next steps or strategy, in order for the client to reach the results they are looking for faster.

non-directive coaching

The coach who uses this style of coaching, in his interventions with the coachee, will focus on working with the knowledge of the client so that he is the one who defines the solutions, strategies and steps to follow to achieve his goals.

Now that if you like to read something more complete about coaching, get my book What is coaching?  available directly from Amazon MexicoAmazon USA with shipping anywhere in Mexico and the world.

Or if you prefer to read in audio, go to book What is coaching? on Audible.


libro qué es coaching en audible

Development and Productivity

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